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Phoebe Bergt

Help support RR by supporting Phoebe.

There is an exciting opportunity that has arisen at Restoration Ranch!

But we need YOUR help to be able to fund this opportunity!

As the ministry of Restoration Ranch is growing daily with additions to buildings, baby animals, new connections with churches and organizations, summer camps and more, there is so much more that needs to be done. As RR continues to grow, we need more people to be committed to make this ministry not only run professionally but also continue the passion for reaching our community for the Kingdom of God. 

This role will be similar to an executive administrator. I say similar because we do not have a role that fits into any box currently at the Ranch. It could be setting up and organizing an event, rolling up their sleeves to help run a workday, running a week of camp including the programs for that camp, getting people in the community involved through various platforms or all of those in the same day! 
This will take a unique person with not only a passion to see their community restored to God but one that understands our mission and how we plan to accomplish that. That person is who I would like to introduce you to now. 


Please meet Phoebe Bergt!

“Hey there! My name is Phoebe Bergt. 
I love Jesus, and I love getting to work closely with His people for the
growth of His Kingdom! I attended Zion Lutheran School K-5 th grade and
was homeschooled 6th grade all the way through high school. 
I adore serving the Lord and His people wherever He calls me. I have
served as a volunteer, beginning in a school library before I could walk or
talk, and have continued to volunteer since then in many different roles
that the Lord has led me to, including, but not limited to, Event Planner for
various ages and ministries, Worship Leader, Seniors in Ministry
Volunteer, High-school Small Groups Leader, Children’s Ministry
Volunteer, and Camp Volunteer. In addition, I have worked as a
Nanny/Babysitter, Child Care worker, Restaurant Server, and Children’s
Ministry Associate. 

I have had the honor of serving at Restoration Ranch since September of
2021, helping with various aspects of the ministry, such as event planning,
work/service days, social media, website updates, Restoration Rec.
program, and more. Now, I am excited for the opportunity to continue
serving the Lord in this capacity at Restoration Ranch and sharing the life
changing News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the surrounding


As Restoration Ranch is still a new ministry, we need your help with funding in order to be able to support Phoebe in the work she would be doing here at Restoration Ranch.

Our goal is to raise $1,500 a month by July of 2022. We have multiple ways to donate. You can write a check made out to Restoration Ranch, or you can give online (which is how most people choose to give) here.

Online gifts can be set up and sent directly to us. 


Any donation is greatly appreciated!


We are so thankful for your participation, whether that be through finances, time, or prayers, in this ministry as we all work together to better reach the Community for the Kingdom of God!

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