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Lend a Helping Hand

We know that God has done some amazing things over the few short years we have been in operation. We also know that it was in large part of the community seeing the need, catching the vision, and working very hard to complete the mission. 


We have many ways a group, family, or an individual can jump in and join our mission. The first way of doing that is to fill our a couple forms for us so that we can find the best way for you to use your passions and serve at the best of your abilities so that you can see the most fulfilment in serving! The first form is a short survey that should take around 7 mins to fill out. It can be found here!

The second form will take a little longer. It is a spiritual gifts testing. It can be found here!


We look forward to serving our community together by Reaching, Resonating and Restoring the Kingdom of God! 

We will be having periodic work days to get the camp ready. For these we need help, not only with clearing brush and light construction, but also with anyone willing to hang out with young children while others work or to organize food for those working. Anyone and everyone can be a part of our work days. We will post as Facebook events on our page and in the events section of our website.

Want to help out?
Find out when the next work day is...
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